Date of event: 08/07/09
Organised by: Target: Wellbeing Regional Support Network
Venue: National Wildflower Centre, Courthey Park, Knowsley (Landlife)
Report by: Rob Squires, Network Co-ordinator - Third Sector

This was the first in a series of networking events I am organising to connect people across the region involved in Target: Wellbeing. The event was attended by over a dozen workers from projects and programmes that focus or involve Physical Activity.
The event included a talk by Jackie Brennan, who is the Physical Activity lead for the Regional Department of Health team and
Government Office North West. Amongst other things, Jackie talked about
Be Active, Be Healthy, which is the national physical activity strategy, and how Target: Wellbeing projects contribute to this. In addition she talked about the importance of the regional Target: Wellbeing evaluation, and how the knowledge that projects are generating will help inform and shape policy in the region.

There was also a presentation and site tour by Jan Pell, who manages the Target: Wellbeing
Great Outdoors project at the Wildflower Centre. She talked about the 'Natural Health System' and how connecting people with nature, and outdoor spaces, can improve their health and wellbeing.
The National Wildflower Centre is playing a very positive role within the Knowsley Target: Wellbeing programme, and is acting as a hub, from which a number of the different projects are delivering activities. We are hoping that this natural collaboration can be built upon as the programme progresses.
I have copies of both Jackie and Jan's presentations and if you want them, then please email me here.
In addition, we ran a short workshop, asking the following four questions:
1. How can Target: Wellbeing partners contribute most effectively to regional strategy?
2. Where do projects need to be by the end of the Target: Wellbeing programme?
3. How can Target: Wellbeing projects, plus programme leads collaborate more closely in the future?
4. Who / what do you want from future Target: Wellbeing networking events?

I have written up the results of this workshop, and emailed them to those that participated in the workshop - if you were not there, but would like a copy, then please email me. I will be running a series of other networking events over the next few weeks, including Mental Health event next week, and Healthy Eating day in September, and will be running similar workshops during these. The information generated will be put together into a short summary report, that will be made available to all.
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