Monday, 18 May 2009

Compact in the Northwest – creating better outcomes for citizens, and stronger communities

Date of event: Wednesday 21st January 2009, 1pm – 3.30pm
Organised by: VSNW, CftC
Venue: Gujarat Centre, Preston
Report by: Rob Squires, Network Co-ordinator – Third Sector

Link to event webpage:

Voluntary Sector North West (VSNW) in collaboration with Commission for the Compact (CftC), recently hosted a workshop in Preston, to explain the Compact, and how it can strengthen the Third Sector.

About Compacts:
Compacts are essentially agreements that shape the relationship between government, and the third sector, with the aim of creating betting outcomes for citizens, and stronger communities. They exist at three levels: local, regional, and the national Compact .At the local level, Compacts exist between the local authority and the third sector. Also in some areas additional Compacts have been developed between PCTs and the third sector. Smaller organisations, working in one locality can benefit from local Compacts, whilst the regional and national versions are designed to support larger organisations with a wider reach.

About CftC:
CftC is a ‘Non-departmental public body’ (NDPB), established in 2007, and is sponsored by the Office of the Third Sector in consultation with the voluntary and community sector. The purpose of the Commission is to promote effective partnership working between the public and the third sector through the application of the Compact and its five codes of practice. It is not a regulatory body and does not have any legal powers. Its programme of work includes promoting awareness and implementation of the Compact, undertaking research and policy projects, developing an evidence base on the Compact's progress, sharing good practice and exploring key themes that affect the relationship between the statutory and voluntary sectors.

Other organisations involved in developing the Compact include Compact Voice which is an independent body representing the Third Sector, the Office of the Third Sector, and the Local Government Association. More information on the roles of these partners in the Compact can be found on the Commission’s website at . There is also a database on with a complete listing of local Compacts, and up to date contact details.

The Regional Compact for the Northwest is currently out for consultation, and can be downloaded from The closing date for the consultation is Friday February 27th. Richard Caulfield, Chief Executive of VSNW says: “I am confident that this Compact will lead to improved partnership working and relationships between the public and third sectors in the region. This is crucial to the economic and social well-being in the region and it is timely that the production of this Compact coincides with the development of an integrated [economic] strategy for the region”.

What I learnt at this event:
An interesting discovery from the workshop in Preston is that there is a high level of expertise in the Compact in the Wirral area, where local government have been working closely with the Third Sector, to develop a strong and effective local Compact. The opinions of the Third Sector were vocalised skilfully during the workshop by Clint Agard from Wirral Change, which is a black and racial minorities outreach service.

The workshop in Preston was very much a two-way process, in which CftC explained how the Compact structure works, plus consulted with participants about how it can all be improved. One outcome from the workshop was that it became evident that it would be good to do similar workshops, at the local level, which is an activity that CftC are keen to support.. If you would like to link up with the Commission, to host a Compact workshops in your area, then contact Ruth Fennemore: email ; phone 0121 237 5912.

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