Thursday, 10 December 2009

GUEST POST - RSN "Targeting Health Outcomes" Training with MMU

Date of event: 9th Dec 2009
Organised by: Target:Wellbeing Regional Support Network and MMU
Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University
Reported by : Jane Harding, Age Concern Cheshire

This event was the 2nd in a series of 3 sessions. The 1st session introduced national and regional policies on healthy eating, physical activity and mental wellbeing.
There was a good mix of participants representing the voluntary and 3rd sector as well as a couple of Target Well:Being projects. It was really interesting to hear about other groups' work, and the problems they face. This session was all about promoting and improving health, and made me think about what I can do differently to try and achieve changes in behaviour in my client group. If you want to know why your clients aren't doing what you want them to - this session explains it all!
Also, if you don't know your twitter from your flickr, or your myspace from your blog, look out for the next Online Resources training session (another plug for Target:Wellbeing Regional Support Network training). I never thought I'd be blogging, but here I am!
[If you're interested in attending one of our free Targeting Health Outcomes training programmes get in touch with Rhiannon on 0161 237 3200 or at There will be two more running starting in February]

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jane,
    Thanks so much for the blog post. and I'm very grateful for the pitch about the Online Resources session too (we don't ahve one running until the new trainign programme starts in April, but I'm happy to talk to anyone who'd like some tips to get them started).
    (Communciations Officer, Target: Wellbeing)
