Tuesday, 1 March 2011

New Public Health Arrangements in Manchester

Date of the event: Tuesday 1st March 2011
Organised by: Manchester Aliance for Community Care (MACC)

Cross Street Chapel, Manchester
By: Rob Squires, Wellbeing Newtwork Co-ordinator (Third Sector)

"The era of full cost recovery may be over before it even began .."
~ Mike Wild

This was the response from the director of Manchester Alliance for Community Care, when I asked a question about how much resource organisations should be putting into evidencing their outcomes in order to win public health contracts.

I was at a public meeting organised by MACC, bringing together Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations with David Regan, who is the new Director for Public Health in Manchester. The purpose of the meeting was to hear first hand from Regan, about the broad changes that are happening within public health, and the implications of these on the VCS. Although there are positives to the government's white paper, Healthy Lives, Healthy People, such as increased committment to preventative services, all this is to be achieved within the backdrop of severe funding cuts. Hence Mike's comment that whilst there is increased pressure on organisations to evidence their effectiveness, the probability that there will be a suitable budget to finance this, is slim.

Mike Wild is to sit on the new Health & Wellbeing Board for Manchester, as a representative for the VCS. The board is to be chaired by Cllr Richard Lease, leader of MCC, and amongst other things, the Board will play a role in scrutinising GP commissioning in the area. Mike is pushing the idea that there should be some kind of agreement between commissioners and the VCS about what will constitute valid evidence, and that they should be less emphasis on 'does the VCS work?', and more on 'how does it work?'.

For more information visit MACC's web site.

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